Once you select us to obtain your home loan, you’ll be amazed at how quickly and simply the loan process moves. Before you know it, you’ll have a mortgage that suits your lifestyle and saves you money.
Throughout the loan-application process, we provide you with regular updates. You can also e-mail us with questions or new information. And if you want assistance, a mortgage expert who can answer questions is just a phone call away.
Apply Now! Getting started is easy
When you’ve selected a property and have a contract with the Seller, the next step is to complete your loan application, which can be done easily through our website. To get started, select an application from the list on the left. At the appropriate time we’ll order a property appraisal for you.
Gather your financial paperwork
Having accurate answers to home loan application questions can prevent surprises once the mortgage process is underway. If you provide the right mortgage documents upfront, you’ll likely have a smoother mortgage closing.
Strengthen your credit
Your credit score tells lenders just how much you can be trusted to repay your loan on time. The lower your credit score, the harder time you’ll have qualifying for a mortgage and the more you’ll pay in interest. Take a look at your credit score to see where you stand – you should aim for the mid 700s. If your score is lacking, go to AnnualCreditReport.com to order three credit reports for free, and check for errors. Contact the rating agency immediately if you spot any.
Other good ideas: Pay off a revolving balance, and limit your credit card usage to just 20 percent of your available credit. Also, don’t apply for a new card before you apply for a mortgage.
Know basic mortgage loan requirements
In the lending world, minimum mortgage requirements are based on the “three Cs” of underwriting — capacity, credit reputation and collateral. In simpler terms, they refer to your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, credit score and assets. If you don’t know how to apply for a home loan, knowing the folllowing guidelines will help you better understand how lenders evaluate your application.
Fill out a mortgage application
Once you’ve completed the steps above, the actual application process should be quick and easy — you just need to decide how you want to apply. Each lender is required to provide a loan estimate (LE) within three business days of submitting a mortgage application. Keep copies of each estimate you receive to negotiate your interest rate and closing costs later.
Your Loan is Approved and Funded
Your Real Estate Agent or the Seller will designate an Escrow/Title Company to handle the funding of your loan, along with many other factors which make your purchase go smoothly.
We will coordinate with the escrow team and you’ll sign the final papers at their office.
We’re a full service mortgage broker with an experienced staff offering expertise in every area of mortgage lending…from purchase to refinance to home improvement lending.
Copyright ©2023 Kwest Mortgage Group LLC
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